About Us

Our Story

The PCPC started with a few avid local pickleball players who organized informal group play in the Central Saanich area.  Everyone was welcome and encouraged.As the informal group play became more popular, it was decided that an organized approach was needed to let people know when group play was available, and so a local pickleball Facebook group was formed to announce court reservation dates and times. As winter approached, one of our group members generously offered to host indoor play at his Church. From there, a whole host of other indoor play opportunities blossomed.

After a successful winter season, the two founding members realized that a more formal foundation was important, and took steps to create a non-profit society, one that could seek grants and other funding, but more importantly, would be associated with the provincial and national Pickleball organizations.  And so the Peninsula Community Pickleball Club was formed,  emphasizing community and support for all levels of players.

Today, the PCPC has a growing membership of players from all over the peninsula.  We continue to look for play venues and learning opportunities for our members and we continue to support anyone who wants to play.  As we mature, we also look forward to social events, tournaments, and league play.

A Message From our Founder …

Throughout my life I have never paid much attention to ‘sports’ per se, gravitating to more solo pursuits like kayaking and yoga where the level of competition looked more like an internal conversation between me, myself and I. I consider myself “active” but not “athletic” so when I first started playing, it felt like a fish out of water. Seemed like the harder I tried to return those annoying little yellow balls over the net, the harder those annoying little yellow balls worked to avoid me. A year and bit later, they still annoy me – and although I’ve played often and concentrated on improvement, there is no denying that despite my love of the sport – you will never see me at the 55+ BC Games, that is, unless they invite me to come and help organize the event.

Doesn’t matter though. Because Pickleball is a sport that is accessible to all levels of athletic ability. If you can move your feet, and swing your arms, there is a place for you. And if you stick with it, and play often, you will get better. If you come from a squash or tennis background, or are a naturally athletic person – chances are you will be a natural and be playing at an intermediate level in no time at all.

So what draws me back to this sport that I am only so-so at? The people. The people who find their way to pickleball are a special kind of people. They come from different backgrounds and different walks of life, and sometimes nothing in common - but they come together for the unique sense of community and belonging that this sport is particularly skilled at creating. The most incredible people find their way to our Club through Pickleball, and I am honoured to play with all of them. Without access to this sport in my community – there would be a huge hole in my life that I didn’t even know was there before I started playing. It’s been an incredible journey so far, and we are only getting started.

The Peninsula Community Pickleball Club started as a Meet Up group where folks could find like-minded players to hit the courts with. And has grown into a community of players who come together to enjoy all levels of recreational play in a welcoming, and supportive environment where everyone can feel they like they belong.

We are, the Peninsula Community Pickleball Club, it’s so nice to meet you. Welcome!
Cindy B - Founder / President
Sidney, BC
Our Board

President – Cindy Barton
Secretary – Teresa Salamone
Vice President/Treasurer – Bob Currie
Director at Large – Garry Hague

PCPC is a not for profit organization (NPO) incorporated under the Societies Act.

Our Approach

We created the club with an emphasis on “community”.  That means we welcome players of all levels.  We strive to make as much court time available as possible and try to make everyone’s court experience enjoyable.  We also recognize the limited inventory of pickleball courts in the community and advocate for additional public courts.

Come play with us and bring your smile and enthusiasm and we’ll do the rest.  We supply the nets and the balls and have loaner paddles to get you started.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to assist you with anything you need related to our Pickleball club.

We are committed to providing you with excellent service and responding to your inquiries as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!