Contact Us
Contact Us:
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to assist you with anything you need related to our Pickleball club.
We’d love to hear your feedback!
If you would like to send your feedback on the club or provide any comments, suggestions, praise, report an incident, or anything that you think will be of interest to the Board, please fill out the following form. We are committed to providing you with excellent service and responding to your inquiries as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
If your feedback relates to the operations of PCPC, the Board has developed a policy that describes how we will respond to the issues that are raised. A copy of the policy is provided here: 2025 PCPC Issues and Feedback Policy
Report any incident or injury
We have also created a form that allows us to create a record of any incident or injury occurring at a PCPC Event. If a player is injured at a PCPC Event, we want to know about it. We are asking ALL MEMBERS to assist us in documenting incidents, big or small, in a timely and accurate fashion by completing the online form. To assist you in gathering the details on site, paper copies of the online form can be found at Langtry Walk and at Kittyhawk (in the net cupboard). Please use these paper forms to gather information and then report the incident online by clicking the link below as soon as you can. Thank you for helping us achieve a good foundation of best practices.
For information about specific club activities, please contact the committee chair(s).
Player Development & Tournament Committee
Co-Chairs: Patricia Currie & Margaret Yandel
Duties: Organize ongoing lessons and tournaments within the Club.
Policy & Procedure Committee
Chair: Nancy Taylor
Duties: Assist the Board with the ongoing refinement, development & updating of Club policies and procedures, as needed. Develop and distribute & post reference material, manuals, and procedural documents pertaining to the administration of the club. Maintain and update living documents.
Social Committee
Chair: Patricia Currie
Duties: Organizing ongoing social activities within the Club.
Fundraising & Community Connection Committee
Co-Chairs: Cindy Barton & Nancy Taylor
Duties: Identify & manage fundraising opportunities to raise funds the club will donate to various board approved projects and causes.
Feedback and Comments Committee
Chair: Kristina Bentley
Duties: Receive and review member feedback and other issues.
Facilities Committee
Chair: Bob Currie
Duties: Receive and address facility-related and supply issues
Scheduling Committee
Chair: Darcie Walker
Duties: Schedule organized play, produce monthly calendar, and data enter into Open Sports.
Web Development Committee
Chair: Diane Leon
Duties: Monitor and maintain PCPC website function and content.